Clinical Guidelines

Precision medicine has come a long way since the Human genome project was completed in 2013.

The guidelines have become more robust, evidence-based, peer reviewed, freely accessible and are updated frequently. They provide clear recommendations regarding dosing and drug selection of certain drug/gene pairs.

    • People on multiple medications

    • Have experienced side effects to a medication

    • Tried & failed previous treatments

    • Need to identify a medication or dose of a medication with a higher chance of working for you before even you take it!

    • How do I process certain medications, and which medications, based on my genetics, might be the best fit for me

    • More opportunities to grow by providing personalized care to new patients

    • Taking the trial and error out of your daily prescribing by utilizing a patient's results to determine the best medicine to use for them. Get the right answer quicker and sooner

    • More satisfied customers referring family and friends

    • A genetic test is usually done once in life and that information can be utilized every time a new medication is started or added

    • Satisfied with the drug therapy as it reduces the trial and error of choosing the right medication the very first time!

    • Decreased hospitalizations and ER visits

    • Reduces the overall financial burden of healthcare related costs

Pharmacogenomic Testing

  • PharmGKB® is a registered trademark of HHS and is financially supported by NIH/NHGRI/NICHD. It is managed at Stanford University)



Nutrigenomic testing

    • Proactive with your health

    • Tired of trying new diets and they don't work for you?

    • Find the root cause of your problems for example: not being able to lose weight because of inflammation in your body

    • Feeling you lack energy during the day

    • Drinking coffee makes you super bloated, but your friend stays perfectly fine?

    • Optimal vitamins and nutrients profile

    • Weight management

    • Cardiovascular health

    • Detoxification

    • Immune health

    • Exercise response

    • More opportunities to grow by providing personalized care to new patients

    • Taking the trial and error out of your daily prescribing by utilizing a patient's results to determine the best medicine to use for them. Get the right answer quicker and sooner

    • More satisfied customers referring family and friends

    • Find the root cause of your underlying symptoms and address the imbalances with your food choices and lifestyle changes

    • Make better health choices.

    • Uncover your best personal sources for macro and micronutrients

    • Nutritional and lifestyle recommendations based on your unique genetic results

PGx Articles

  • application of Precision Medicine

  • Opioid epidemic- Journal of American College of Clinical Pharmacy

  • Delivering pharmacogenetic testing in a primary care setting

  • Opioid & pain management

  • The Outcomes of Implementing and Integrating Pharmacogenomics within Comprehensive Medication Management in Team-Based Care

  • Ticagrelor versus Clopidogrel in CYP2C19 Loss-of-Function Carriers with Stroke or TIA